
12484652_10153775080679361_1177344817594629338_o12030562_10153556198209361_2829688518920514386_oThis is a storytelling project created to honor my mom, Cindy, who has had from schizophrenia since her early 20s. I love her. I want to show the world how beautiful she is. I want to make sure all her suffering has not been for nothing. I’m hoping that by sharing, I can make some small difference so that my mom’s life goes on the record as being important. Because it is. She is. We all are.

The above image is my brother, Seth. He lives 10 minutes away from her and does the impossible task of caring for her daily. They are in Texas.

The below image is me, Emily. I live in Florida and wish desperately I could be more near to offer more tangible help. For now, I can only be a narrator in our family story.

This is the video I created and uploaded to launch this project about her and finally give her a voice: “Mom, you are important.”